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General manager Claudia Faison discusses her experiences with a beach community and all the methods they employed to keep seagulls away. She shares the solution that has kept their roofs and buildings clean once and for all!

Key Topics

  • Seagull Problems: Challenges posed by seagulls, including roof damage and guano accumulation.
  • Failed Attempts: Unsuccessful methods like sprinklers, reflectors, and hiring a falconer.
  • The Falconer Incident: Termination of falconer services after an unfortunate incident with a resident’s dog.
  • Finding a Solution: Hiring a pest control company to implement a poles and wires system.
  • Effective Solution: The success of the poles and wires system in deterring seagulls without harm.
  • Challenges and Maintenance: Occasional adjustments and maintenance needed for the system.
  • Legal Considerations: Seagulls are federally protected, requiring solutions that don’t harm them.
  • Seasonal Challenges: Dealing with seagull nesting seasons from March to August.
  • Environmental Concerns: Ensuring solutions are environmentally friendly.
  • Success and Future Plans: The system’s success and plans for reinforcement.