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Are your CC&Rs from the dark ages? Even if they are only 10-15 years old, they might be. Attorney Sandra Gottlieb of Swedelson Gottleib talks about what you need to know about updating your CC&Rs to minimize problems that could arise from them being outdated.

Key Topics

  • Understanding CC&Rs: Learn what CC&Rs (Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions) are and how they differ from bylaws.
  • Importance of CC&Rs: Explore why keeping CC&Rs up-to-date is crucial for HOAs.
  • Restating vs. Amending: Understand the difference between restating and amending CC&Rs and how to choose the right approach.
  • Approval Process: Insights into the approval process for CC&R amendments or restatements.
  • Cultural Considerations: How cultural shifts, like remote work due to COVID-19, impact HOA rules and regulations.

Episode Takeaways

  • CC&Rs Defined: Sandra explains what CC&Rs are and their significance in HOA management.
  • Board Responsibilities: The commitment and involvement required from board members in updating governing documents.
  • Restating vs. Amending: Pros and cons of restating versus amending CC&Rs and how it affects the approval process.
  • Community Dynamics: Understanding how cultural shifts influence HOA rules and why it’s essential to address them.